Sunday, April 11, 2010

Countdown - 5 Days!

Sealy and I have mostly been training outside the past few days,  so there have lots of distractions (for both of us).  Yesterday and again today a cherry tree was in that state I like so much, the  three-in-one state  (simultaneously blossom, flower, and leaf).  

How in the world did I ever go from  having 9 days left to train, to only having 5 days left?   Oh well... I have been doing a little bit each day, not all that much, but a little bit.  Which is a lot more than I was doing before holding myself publicly accountable on this blog (then it was just one day a week in class).

It's  been  interesting to identify the gaps in Sealy's knowledge -  once I take away this cue, or that one, it's been evident that she often really doesn't understand what I'm asking her to do.    Once I teach her - show her, help her - she does gets things, especially when I reinforce it every day a few times a day for several days in a row.   Starting tomorrow I'm going to try and do one run-through each day, so Sealy gets used to concentrating for longer periods, and I get used to the flow of one exercise to the next.  

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