Sunday, August 26, 2007

Birthday Backpacking

Today is my birthday, and as I usually do I celebrated it by going out into the woods...and such presents! I am lucky. Finally I heard loons...saw beavers, up close (it slapped its tail! twice!) and from afar (they are much larger than I expected, one was the size of a small seal, it seemed). Also a kind of hawk with spotted wings. The photo above was sunrise from one end of the lake...and below, mid-afternoon, is the view from the other end (from the tent door). And yes, the storm did come.

When in camp (and not swiming) I spent most of my time in a hammock, not doing much of anything except watch the light change and the moon rise.

August 26, 1920 was the ratifaction of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women in the United States the right to vote. I often think about the time it takes for change, and how many people's efforts are required, most of whom go unnamed and unnoticed in history. So today I think of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott at the Seneca Falls convention in 1847...and Susan B. Anthony arrested in 1872, 25 years later, for trying to vote...the ERA, which was proposed in 1923, 84 years ago and still not yet ratified. Martha Coffin Pelham Wright (Lucretia's younger sister). Ernestine Rose. Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis. The names scroll on and on, and for every one that history remembers, countless others toiled as well.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer Solistice

Well...pretty close...this was a few days later, June 24th, at Sunset Beach in San Francisco (between Judah and Taraval). I grew up in California (southern), near the coast. Nothing between me and the curve of the earth's horizon, nothing between me and the sky above, being surrounded by limitless possibilities - this is a good place for me to be.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Is Icumen In

I have been stopping off here on the bike ride home from teaching to (gasp) take a bit of time for myself. I lie on the earth, soaking up its energies. Sometimes I gaze up at the sky, daydreaming. Often I listen to the bird concerts. Lately I have been sneezing non-stop. I wonder what it would have been like to look at this same view, up the Hudson River from the northern tip of Manhattan a hundred years ago...two hundred...five hundred...several thousand. Time is relative. Change is fast and slow, both at the same time. Internally and outwardly.

Swimming in Austin

(really from November...)
Long ago, on my first trip to Austin (on tour with Cabaret starring Joel Grey, but that's another story altogether) I happened upon Barton Springs. What an osais! Barton Springs is a natural spring, man-made into a very large (1,000 foot) outdoor swimming area. The water there is cold (68-70 degrees). And healing.